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File Created: 26-Nov-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  29-Jun-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name LANCERS RIDGE, HOODOO Mining Division Vancouver
BCGS Map 092N033
Status Showing NTS Map 092N05E
Latitude 051º 19' 36'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 30' 39'' Northing 5689150
Easting 325065
Commodities Silver, Gold, Zinc, Lead Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Lancers Ridge occurrence is located between Hoodoo Creek and Confederation Glacier, is characterized by silver, gold, lead, zinc and copper mineralization associated with a variety of felsic to intermediate intrusions of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex.

At the Lancers Ridge occurrence on the Hoodoo claim, a select grab sample (U88UHMTR34) was collected in 1988 from a pit/trench blasted in a silicified felsic dike and graded 32,513 grams per tonne silver, 56.57 grams per tonne gold, 0.35 per cent lead and 0.82 per cent zinc (Map 4, Assessment Report 18208). The showing area occurs near the contact of Upper Miocene to Pliocene volcaniclastic and/or agglomeratic rocks in contact to the northeast with high level quartz phyric, felsitic intrusive rocks of Tertiary age, described as a rusty, rhyolitic feldspar-quartz porphyry dike swarm. Disseminated pyrite and a dark blue sulphide was reported. Paleozoic to Mesozoic orthogneiss was also reported in the vicinity.


In 1980, Energex Minerals Ltd. collected twenty-one silt samples and 18 soil samples along the north claim boundary in an area of heavy vegetation cover. About 50 rock samples were also taken, mostly in the East 2 gossan area (092N 077), with about 7 taken at the East 1 gossan (092N 051), and about 10 taken in various areas to the west and southwest of the East 1 gossan, possibly at or near the Lancers Ridge showing.

In 1981, Energex rock sampling was aimed at defining the potential of the previously discovered East 2 gossan, as well as other mineralized altered zones discovered in 1980 and in 1981. Eighty-five rock samples, twelve soil samples, two stream sediment (silt) samples and three heavy mineral stream samples were obtained in the sampling program. Fifty-three of the rock samples were controlled chip samples across measured widths of outcrop. The remaining rock samples were obtained by procuring one to two kilograms of rock chips over selected widths, usually one meter.

The 1988 exploration program by United Pacific Gold Mines on the Hannah Claims consisted of diamond drilling, trenching, mapping, geological and geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys (Assessment Report 18208). A total of 273 samples consisting of 61 soils, 123 rocks and 89 drill core samples were collected on various areas. The dominant effort was expended in the Saffron Creek drainage area (formerly held as the Big Frank claims) where diamond drilling and trenching tested the “Discovery Zone” of the Hannah prospect (092N 028). Lesser work was done in the Hoodoo Creek and Confederation Glacier areas about 8 kilometres northwest of the Hannah prospect, in the Lancers Mountain area (see 092N 051). 12 samples were collected in the vicinity of the very high silver and gold sample U88HMTR34 at the Lancers Ridge occurrence (this description). Five samples were also taken along a 500 metre south-southwesterly trending line just west of “Demo” Creek and 9 samples were collected at East 2 gossan (092N 077), about 800 metres east of “Demo” Creek (Assessment Report 9508). Geological mapping was done over all of the sampled areas.

In 2002, operator Saxony Explorations Ltd explored three non-contiguous claim blocks totaling 207 units called Hoodoo 1 and 2; Lancer 2; and Saffron 2,4 and 5 mineral claims, from which they collected a total of 31 rock samples (Assessment Report 27198). In the Lancer Mountain area (092N 051), trenching and rock chip sampling was performed in order to evaluate a previous trench grab sample (U88HMTR34) taken in 1988 which graded 32,513 grams per tonne silver and 56.57 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 27198). The 2002 values derived were not significant.

Refer to the East 1 showing (Lancers Mountain (092N 051) for further geological details and work history.

EMPR ASS RPT *9508, *9710, *18202, 25067, *27198, 31228, 40016
EMPR EXPL 1980-278; 1981-97; 2002-29-40
GSC OF 1163
PR REL Saxony Explorations Ltd., Dec.18, 2002